Each week...
Our expert educators offer 40 minute classes in various content areas. Whether you're preparing for the SAT, looking to prepare for an upcoming Regents exam, or simply hoping to refresh your math skills, you've come to the right place.
- Educators with a solid background in a particular content area.
- Short classes to accommodate the busy student.
- Classes are limited to 10 students. Most will have 1 to 4.
- Affordable prices. Most classes are $40.
- Multiple time slots for many classes.
- More classes will be added throughout the spring.

Bill Tindale
Bill has over 30 years of experience in the education field as a teacher, administrator, and business owner. His experience includes:
- Working with hundreds of Capital Region students on SAT/ACT concepts
- Teaching Fundamentals of Math, Geometry, and Algebra 2
- Organizing Regents Review classes
- Tutoring Individuals and Small Groups in Various Content Areas
Bill currently recruits and trains the best educators in the Capital Region.
His SAT Reading and Writing classes will focus on analyzing easy, medium, and hard passages in the following categories: (1) Information and Ideas, (2) Craft and Structure, (3) Expression of Ideas, and (4) Standard English Conventions.
Click here to see Bill's schedule and to book a class!
Click here to schedule a free 30 minute session to discuss all of your tutoring options!

Micah Tindale
Micah enjoys explaining concepts to others and helping them achieve their academic goals. He has a a strong math background and has experience tutoring elementary, middle school, and high school students. He likes to challenge students to understand problems beyond just memorizing a set of steps, which helps them when they encounter problems that don't fit the mold.

Amanda's strong math background and teaching experience make her a very versatile instructor. She uses a variety of techniques to make connections to her students.
Summary of Classes - More to Be Added Soon!
SAT Math - Micah Tindale
Geometry Regents Review - Amanda Cooper
Algebra 2 Regents Review - Amanda Cooper
SAT Reading and Writing - Bill Tindale